Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions were updated on: 2024/07/01

1. Introduction
1.1. All use of our website workinlithuania.com and/or jobs.workinlithuania.com (hereinafter – Portal or Website) is governed by these Terms and Conditions and the following related policies: Our Privacy Policy: https://investlithuania.com/privacy-policy/ which sets out the terms on which we process any personal data. These Rules establish the conditions for the use of the Internet portal workinlithuania.com and/or jobs.workinlithuania.com. The Portal shall be managed and administered by Investuok Lietuvoje, VšĮ (hereinafter – the Portal Owner), legal entity code 124013427, address Upės g. 23-1, LT-08128 Vilnius, VAT number LT240134219, email address: info@investlithuania.com.
1.2. The Rules mean a contract concluded between you (hereinafter – User or you) and the Portal Owner concerning the use of the Portal. By visiting the Website as a user who is seeking employment opportunities (hereinafter – Candidate or you) or as a company that is interested in hiring Candidates (hereinafter – Employer or you), and whether or not you create Candidate or Employer profile on the Website or not, you accept these Rules and you agree to comply with the Rules. If you do not agree with these Rules, then you must immediately stop using the Website.
1.3. Use of the Portal within the meaning of these Rules shall include all the actions that you perform and might perform on the Portal (hereinafter – Portal Services).
1.4. Registration, use of Portal Services and all available features on the Portal can be used free of charge. 
1.5. The Portal Owner reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions by posting the new version to this page.

2. General Terms and Conditions
2.1. The Portal Owner shall only provide technical tools for placing information on the Portal. The Portal Owner shall not be involved in employee finding and/or recruiting or other procedures related with employment.
2.2. When using the Portal and/or the Portal Services, and applying to or/and accepting job offers, the Candidate shall act independently and shall be responsible for all consequences and obligations arising from such actions and his/her behaviour.

3. Intellectual property
3.1. All intellectual property rights to the Portal and its content and database including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, design, names, logos, company names, downloadable files, articles, know-how, commercial and industrial secrets shall be owned by the Portal Owner, or legally used by the Portal Owner.
3.2. Any copying, decompilation, redirection, processing, encryption, reprogramming, transfer, and/or other use of the Website content, database and design by the User and/or third parties without the written consent of the Portal Owner, and/or in violation of the Rules, shall be considered as the infringement of intellectual property and other rights punishable under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. 
3.3. It is prohibited to reproduce works and databases available on the Portal for text and data extraction purposes.
3.4. The Employer agrees that the Portal Owner shall have the right to use publicaly available information of the Employer and its Job Listings for publicizing the Portal in any form, including but not limited to content published on the Portal, social media, public presentations and other.
3.5. The User agrees that content provided on the Portal, including any intellectual property, will become part of the Portal database and will be stored by the Portal Owner and/or its authorized agents. Neither the Portal Owner, nor any other third party using content published by the User will be obliged to pay the User any copyright or other remuneration for the use of such content.
3.6. The User agrees that publicaly unavailable information of their profiles and actions made on the Website can be made publicaly available when anonymized and/or put into statistical calculations.

4. Rights and Obligations of Users
4.1. Registered and non-registered Users may use the Portal. Some Portal Services shall be available only for Registered Users (hereinafter – Registered Users). User registration (hereinafter ‐ Registration) shall be done by entering data of the User (hereinafter – Login data) into the Registration Form available on the Portal or by other means available on the Portal (via social networking, etc.).
4.2. All Users undertake:
4.2.1. to submit the correct email address, phone number and/or other contact information if it is required for use of the Portal and/or Portal Services, including Registration on the Portal;
4.2.2. not to use the Portal and/or Portal Services for the purpose of illegal actions, transactions; fraud, or to perform actions that could harm any person, their property or legitimate interests;
4.2.3. not to use the Portal and/or any of its content to perform and develop activities that compete with the Portal and/or the Portal Owner. The competitors of the Portal Owner shall be considered any person who creates, develops, manages or administers websites related to job advertisements, as well as persons related to such direct competitors;
4.2.4. to provide truthful, objective, fair, comprehensive and detailed information about their proposals;
4.2.5. to ensure that all information provided by the User: is not misleading, offensive, deceptive or unfair, nor is it contrary to public policy and good morals; does not violate legal requirements (including legislation governing the rights of employees, advertising or competition) and/or third party property or personal rights; does not contain any viruses or other computer programs or files that might interfere with the normal operation of the Portal, cause damage to other Users or their property, limit the ability of the Portal Owner to provide the Portal Services properly, and/or other persons’ access to the Portal and/or Portal Services;
4.2.6. not to store, collect, transfer to other media, publish, make publicly available or distribute the data of the Candidates and/or Employers using the Portal or data about any actions that  Candidates and/or Employers take on the Portal.
4.2.7. not to copy the content of the Portal (unless written consent is given by the Portal Owner), not remove the authors or trademarks from any copy of the content of the Portal; not to create databases based on the content of the Portal, not to place the content of the Portal on other websites, and not alter or in any way modify the content of the documents downloaded from the Portal;
4.2.8. not to use any automated tools, including, but not limited to, additional computer hardware and/or software for data viewing and/or storing, creating and editing information on the information contained on the Portal, and not use any means to process the content and/or design of the Portal, and/or Portal Services to copy, decompile, encrypt, re-program, move, redirect them otherwise than allowed by the standard functionality of the Portal, unless other procedure for use of the Website and/or Portal Services would be agreed with the User in writing in advance.
4.3. Registered User undertakes:
4.3.1. to provide correct, rightful and complete information about themselves. It shall be forbidden to Register using the data of other persons;
4.3.2. not to pass login details to unauthorized third parties, and to inform immediately the Portal Owner about the loss of login data. The User shall be responsible for any actions of third parties if they will be made using the login data of the User, and any consequences arising therefrom;
4.3.3. to notify immediately the Portal Owner of any unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized use of login data. The Portal Owner will attempt to prevent further unauthorized use of the login data but shall not be liable for any damage, loss or inconvenience caused to the User or third parties, or inconvenience caused by disclosure, theft or unauthorized use of the login data;
4.3.4. The User agrees that information provided by the User after the Registration on the Portal, which is not selected to be private and or hidden, will be accessible to other Users, and that the Portal Owner shall not be responsible for the use of such data.
4.4. By using any Portal Services, the Users confirm that they:
4.4.1. have full legal capacity and authority to act on behalf of legal entity;
4.4.2. shall properly perform the duties under specified Rules;
4.4.3. understand and agree that the portal owner shall handle and manage their personal data solely for the purposes specified in the Rules and in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “General Data Protection Regulation”), as well as with the provisions of other legislation of the EU and the Republic of Lithuania on the protection of personal data.

5. For Candidates
5.1. You agree that when registering and using the Portal with the purpose of seeking job offers and/or offering your candidacy to employers, the data provided with regard to job search will be visible or partially visible to registered Portal Users looking for employees.
5.2. You will have the option of deleting your data or making it inaccessible to employers. You can also edit, add and remove your data at any time.
5.3. You shall undertake responsibility for the information provided, which must be truthful, and accept responsibility for any damage and/or loss that may result from the submission of false information.
5.4. Your data will not be made available to parties that are not related to the provision of Portal Services.
5.5. In order to provide clear information to Employers, your data may be verified by the representatives of the Portal Owner.
5.6. The Portal Owner shall have the right to collect, store, edit, manage and transfer the data provided to Employers and to use it for the needs of employers related to employee search. 
5.7. The Portal Owner shall have the right to delete data that does not correspond to reality or that is improperly filled in, as well as to delete Your profile due to Your inappropriate actions in respect of the employers, the system or the provision of Portal Services in relation to the parties, which may cause property or non-property damage to said parties.
5.8. The Portal Owner shall not be responsible for any damage that might result from the offers, promises or other employment related actions of the companies registered on the Portal and searching for employees.
5.9. The Portal Owner shall not be obliged to employ you.
5.10. The Portal Owner does not guarantee that your profile information is not visible to your current employer.
5.11. Candidate profile is valid for 2 years after registration. Candidate profile is deactivated after 1 year without logging in to the profile.
5.12. Candidates are informed about upcoming deactivation by email. Once deactivated, Candidates profile can be activated again by logging in to The Portal, but no later than 2 years after registration.
5.13. Upon registration, you agree:
5.13.1. to receive Essential platform communication emails, which includes, but are not limited to registration confirmation, password reset, account deactivation emails, without a possibility to unsubscribe from such emails (hereinafter – Essential platform communication emails);
5.13.2 to receive Company activity and Career advice and job recommendation emails. You shall have the right to refuse receiving such emails by adjusting your account settings;
5.13.3. to receive invites to participate in market research or other collaborations. You shall have the right to refuse such offers by informing the Portal Owner thereof.

6. For Employers
6.1. By registering and using the Portal for the purpose of providing job listings and/or offering employment, you, as an employer or its representative, confirm that you have the authority to represent the company and agree to these Rules, and the details of the company contained in your registration form are true, accurate and complete.
6.2. The registered company shall become a manager of its login data. The company shall ensure security for its login data and shall be fully responsible for the actions performed by the persons who have signed up for the Portal on its behalf.
6.3. By registering, the Employer agrees and confirm that they fit the requirements indicated in the registration form, which state that all listed job vacancies must be suitable for foreigners and candidates from abroad, all Job Listings must be for highly qualified specialists only, all Job Listings must be posted in English, the salary range for posted job vacancies must follow guidelines that are indicated in the registration form, they agree to share available quarterly statistics on applications received through the portal and any resulting hires.
6.4. Upon registration of the company, you may receive information including, but not limited to portal updates, upcoming events, questionnaires and other. You shall have the right to refuse such offers by informing the Portal Owner thereof.
6.4.1. Upon registration, you agree to receive Essential platform communication emails, which includes, but are not limited to registration confirmation, password reset, account deactivation emails, without a possibility to unsubscribe from such emails.
6.5. You must place the Job Listings in the order specified in the Rules and/or the Job Listings Placement Form, and/or elsewhere following the procedure established on the Portal. By placing the Job Listing, you shall assume full responsibility for compliance of its content with the Terms and Conditions of the Rules and legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. By submitting the data in the Job Listing you confirm and guarantee that the information provided is true, accurate and complete.
6.6. When placing Job Listings or using the Talent Database (hereinafter – Talent Database) you must provide the candidates with correct information about the proposed work, including but not limited to information about the activities of the company, nature of work, requirements and proposals for candidates, contact information.
6.7. The Law on Equal Opportunities prohibits from giving priority to candidates in Job Offers or to discriminate them on various grounds of discrimination set forth in the Law on Equal Opportunities (gender, race, nationality, language, origin, social status, belief, convictions or views, age, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic addictions, religions), therefore You undertake to place only the Job Listings not violating this law.
6.8. It is prohibited to publish on the Portal Job Listings that contradict the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or otherwise contradict the established moral norms.
6.9. You may use the Portal for searching the employees only for your company or its branches. You must use the personal data of candidates without prejudice to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, and solely for the purpose of recruitment of candidates. It shall not be allowed to provide information about the candidates obtained on the Portal to third parties without the separate consent of the Portal Owner, if not required by law.
6.10. You agree to indemnify for any damage incurred by the Portal Owner or Users due to your actions.

7. Rights and Obligations of the Portal Owner
7.1. The Portal Owner shall have the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to remove the User’s profile and/or Job Listings from the Portal or any other information provided by the User, or to make Information invisible, as well as to cancel the User’s Registration; block, correct or edit the User’s data; restrict or terminate the User’s right or access to the Portal if, in the opinion of the Portal Owner, the User:
7.1.1. violates the Rules or fails to comply with its obligations provided in these Rules as well as in legal acts;
7.1.2. has provided incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete and/or misleading information by registering or using the Portal and/or Portal Services;
7.1.3. knowingly and intentionally disseminates false or misleading information on the Portal, insults other persons or, in the opinion of the Portal Owner, otherwise behaves inappropriately;
7.1.4. it is required by maintenance and/or Portal renewal works;
7.1.5. it is requested by the competent authorities or is required in the cases provided for by the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania;
7.1.6. the Portal Owner suspects that the User has caused or may pose a security threat to other Users when using the Portal;
7.1.7. when using the Portal Services and/or the Portal, the User causes damage to the Portal Owner, including, but not limited to, the good name and/or reputation of the Portal Owner, or this is required in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Portal Owner or third parties;
7.1.8. the User registers and/or uses the Portal, and/or may use it to perform activities, directly or indirectly, competing with the Portal and/or the activity of the Portal Owner;
7.1.9. in other cases specified in the Rules.
7.2. The Portal Owner shall have the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to change the Portal, its parts and/or the Portal Services, to modify or reorganize the Job Listings to make the Portal more convenient to use, to change the functions of the Portal and any other information, including information provided by the User. The Portal Owner will not be responsible for any negative consequences caused to the User by such and other similar actions.
7.3. The Portal Owner shall have the right, at any time and at its sole discretion to change and/or modify rules and terms for Companies creating Job Listings, Candidates applying to Job Listings and/or for qualifying to be shown in the Talent Database available for the Companies.
7.4. The Portal Owner shall have the right to terminate the activities of the Portal at any time.
7.5. The Portal Owner may, without a separate notification to the User, use third parties to perform any actions related to these Rules.

8. Personal data
8.1. The Portal Owner shall have the right to process and control personal data (hereinafter – Personal Data) provided by the User and/ or collected by the Portal Owner by other means during Registration or later when using the Portal in accordance with the procedure established in the Rules and for the purposes specified therein.  The Portal Owner shall ensure the rights of users who have provided personal data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “General Data Protection Regulation”), as well as the provisions of other legislation of the EU and the Republic of Lithuania on the protection of personal data.
8.2. The Users shall provide their name, surname, e-mail address, as required. Personal Data shall be obtained directly from the User.
8.3. When submitting Personal Data, the Users:
8.3.1. shall entitle the Portal Owner to manage and process Personal Data of the User to such extent and for such purposes as provided in the Rules. The User shall have the right to revoke his/her permission for the Portal Owner to manage and process the User’s Personal Data at any time, as well as to request the termination of the processing and controlling of their Personal Data, the deletion of Personal Data and the deletion of the account. Consent to control and process the User’s Personal Data shall not be retroactive;
8.3.2. shall declare that they are providing their Personal Data on the Portal for free and agrees that their data will be stored and processed electronically in the Portal’s database for 2 (two) years after their last access to the system and upon expiry of this deadline, will be destroyed by a person authorized by the Portal Owner;
8.3.3. agrees and acknowledges that they shall provide their contact details (email address, etc.) and data about themselves in the Portal for third parties to access, view and copy this data (when the data is provided in the profile as contact data and is not hidden).
8.4. The Portal Owner when processing Personal Data:
8.4.1. shall use Personal Data for the provision, development and personalization of the Portal Services, the improvement of the functionality of the Portal, for the submission of direct marketing and other offers;
8.4.2. shall not provide Personal Data to third parties and shall not disclose them to third parties, except as provided in the Rules, after a given User‘s concent to do so or in the cases provided by law;
8.4.3. The Portal Owner shall handle the following Personal Data of the User for direct marketing purposes: name, email address;
8.4.4. The User’s data processed for direct marketing purposes shall be stored in the Portal’s database for a maximum of 2 (two) years from the date of the last login to the User’s account;
8.4.5. The Portal Owner will not provide Personal Data if the User fails to confirm his/her identity, requests data about another person, as well as in other cases provided by law that restrict the disclosure of the data to the User.

9. Information Security Measures
9.1. The processing of User Data and protection against unauthorized intrusion or unlawful destruction of data shall be subject to necessary organizational and technical measures. Nevertheless, taking into account that information on the User is sent via the Internet, the Portal Owner cannot guarantee or shall not guarantee total security of any information provided by the User, including Personal Data.
9.2. The Portal does do not guarantee that the website will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.

10. Disclaimer
10.1. The User agrees that the Portal Owner shall not and will not be liable for:
10.1.1. malfunctions of the Portal and/or Portal Services caused not due to the fault of the Portal Owner and therefore shall not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred by the User and third parties;
10.1.2. any damage and/or loss that the User may incur through the use of the Portal and/or Portal Services, and by sending, publishing and transmitting in any other manner or making any information publicly available;
10.1.3. for failure to provide Portal Services or timely provide Portal Services to the User due to the fault of third parties, including but not limited to the Internet, mobile communication providers, and e-mail service provider;
10.1.4. illegality, inconsistency, inaccuracy or incorrectness of the Job Listings and other information contained on the Portal (except for the information provided by the Portal Owner) resulting in negative consequences for the User or third parties.
10.2. The Portal Owner shall be solely responsible for the technical placement on the Portal of the information provided in the Job Listing and profiles if meets all the requirements of the Rules and technical support of Portal database.
10.3. The User understands and agrees that the Portal and/or Portal Services shall be provided without any further confirmations or warranties by the Portal Owner that the Portal will operate and that the Portal Services will be provided in a correct and timely manner, without disruption, qualitatively, within the intended volume, or that this will not cause negative consequences for the User and third parties.
10.4. The User shall assume full liability for compensation of any damage or loss of any kind that may occur to the User or third parties using the Portal or Portal Services in any way, or in the information contained therein.
10.5. The User undertakes to ensure that the Portal Owner shall have no legal liability, obligation to pay, indemnify or otherwise compensate for any loss, damage or other expenses arising from the use of the Portal by the User and/or the Portal Services.
10.6. The Portal Owner shall not be responsible for the possible consequences caused by the force majeure event that could not be anticipated or controlled.

11. Changing the rules
11.1. The Portal Owner shall have the right to change the Rules unilaterally. The Portal Owner will notify the User of any changes to the Rules by publishing it on the Portal. Changes to the Rules will take effect from their publication on the Portal.
11.2. By using the Portal Services or the Portal after the changes to the Rules come into force, the User confirms that they have read such changes and fully agree with them.
11.3. Portal Services ordered before the changes to the Rules shall be provided in such a manner and terms as established in the Rules valid at that time.
11.4. The Portal Owner shall reserve the right to amend, modify or supplement these Rules at its sole discretion for any legitimate reasons, e.g. legal, regulatory or security, in view of the requirements set by the existing legislation.
11.5. The Portal Owner shall notify the User of the amendments to the Rules by publishing on the Portal. The User shall be considered to have actually agreed on the application of the amended Rules if they continue to use The Portal.
11.6. In case the User does not accept the amended and/or supplemented Rules, they loose the right to use the Portal and/or the Portal Services.

12. Final Provisons
12.1. The Rules shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.
12.2. The Portal Owner reminds of the valid quality guarantee of digital content and digital services in accordance with the law.
12.3. All disagreements between the Portal Owner and the User regarding execution of these Rules shall be settled by negotiation. If the parties fail to resolve the disputes by way of negotiation, such disputes shall be settled in court in the procedure established by laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Disputes between the Portal Owner and the Users – businessmen shall be resolved in the court where the Portal Owner is located.
12.4. The User must first submit a written application and/or complaint regarding the Portal’s activities and Portal Services to the Portal Owner and specify his/her demands. Such letters should be sent to info@workinlithuania.com. If the User disagrees with the response of the Portal Owner, he/she may apply to the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, address Vilniaus g. 25, LT-01402 Vilnius, website address www.vvtat.lt, or complete an application form on the Electronic Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform, at www.ec.europa.eu/odr/. Legal disputes shall be subject to the procedure established by law.
12.5. The Rules will come into force from the moment the User confirms their acceptance and will remain in force during the relationship between the User and the Portal Owner.

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions pertaining to the Terms & Conditions, please contact us via email: info@workinlithuania.com