What can the Lithuanian tech scene offer highly skilled international talents?

31 August, 2023

It’s been a rough few years for the tech sector, with layoffs around the world. Fortunately, the picture in Lithuania’s tech sector is way more positive.

We can all agree that it’s been a rough few years for the tech sector. Layoffs around the world hitting an astonishing 164,744 employees between January and December 2022. And the picture doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of changing. The numbers for 2023 are even worse, in the first seven months of the year, the global tech industry let go of 226,000. Fortunately, the picture in Lithuania’s tech sector is way more positive, offering dynamic career opportunities. Here, in spite of market turbulence, sales revenue for the local tech scene increased by 4% to €2.6B. In fact, if we look at the stats provided by Dealroom.co, we can see that the Lithuanian startup scene has grown by a staggering 16 fold over the last 5 years.

How does that translate on the ground? Lithuania’s tech sector has maintained a steady workforce of over 17,000 specialists, which is a jump of 1,800, or an increase of 12% on the previous year. So, while other regions continue to feel the pinch, Lithuania is enjoying a growth spurt.

And where there’s growth, there’s opportunity for ambitious, driven and talented tech specialists to develop their tech career. Let’s explore in a little more detail why Lithuania might be the right next career move for you.

Why Lithuania’s startup scene is right for you: dynamic career opportunities

For a small country, Lithuania is making a big impact on the world stage. Earlier this year, Baltic Classifieds Group became Lithuania’s third unicorn, joining the ranks of the popular online marketplace, Vinted, and the cybersecurity giant, NordVPN.

The breakdown of the tech field in LT is also suitably diverse. The country has a well established Fintech hub, with challenger bank Revolut maintaining sizable operations, and upstarts like kevin. continuing to make ground internationally. Then there’s ecommerce related players like Omnisend, or for those looking to test themselves in the extremely competitive and fast changing game dev world, there’s Wargaming, whose 1000 strong LT operation continues to grow. There’s also the cool social media content creator Bored Panda, and the rising star of the digital health and wellness sector, Kilo Health. And that’s just some of the cool companies in the sector.

dynamic career opportunities
Omnisend HQ

Currently the most in demand roles are quality assurance specialists, programmers, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists.  But the best thing about the kind of dynamic and fast growing sector that Lithuania offers is that it gives you the space to find your feet.  If you’re not a data scientist, but would like to give it a try, if you have the energy and determination, you can make that dream come true. There are even local online colleges like Turing College that will not only give you the skills but also place you in the kind of company that you’d like to work for.

Why Lithuania’s startup scene is right for you: great working culture and work-life balance

So, as you can see the sector itself is quite diverse and offers dynamic career opportunities. But what about working conditions? What’s the culture like? Well, first of all, you can forget that cliche of the cut-throat 24/7 hellhole that Hollywood would like to show. Maybe that’s the reality elsewhere, but not here.

First off, of course, getting the job done is the main focus. But with most startups being run by people who hustled from the ground up, you’ll find that creative thinking, problem solving and having a self-starter mentality is a real bonus. Yes, it’s all about the results. But the path to getting them can be creative and your input and ability to work as a real team player is key.

Kilo Health’s DevEx Event

And while you are expected to work hard, there’s plenty of opportunities to play hard. Kilo Health, for example, has its own bar, and regularly organizes social events for teams and their families. The company even organizes summer festivals for its people. And this sense of community is carried across the sector. Tesonet, for example, which unites a number of tech startups including Nord Security, recently opened Cybercity, an all encompassing hub that incorporates Tesonet offices, bars, restaurants, a gym, and a co-working space. That’s not to mention, the independently developed Tech Zity, a huge hub that, when finished, will be bigger than Paris’s huge Station F.

So far, so modern. But on top of that, the country also has another ace card up its sleeve. Its nature. Lithuania is a country of lush forests, green parks, calm and cool lakes, and a pristine coast that is up there with the best. And what’s great about Lithuanian nature is how close you always are to it. Even in the center of the capital, you’re never more than 30 minutes away from forests you can escape to. In fact, one of the biggest tech parks in the country is located in the plush ancient oak and chestnut lined grounds of what was a baronial estate.

Why Lithuania’s startup scene is right for you: truly inclusive

Finally, the startup scene here is truly inclusive. Supported by a college and university system that is primed to provide the kind of skills that are essential to upward career development. The tech sector is increasingly taking on a more international flavor. It is now attracting more bright minds from throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. So much so, that a local report on some of the companies in the tech sector found that 12% of the entire workforce it surveyed were international. Gender inclusivity is also high on the agenda. With 23.7% of its ICT professionals being women, it’s among the EU’s top 5, surpassing the average. Moreover, this figure is set to rise to 27% by 2025.

Want to grow your career? Lithuania is waiting for you, so don’t miss dynamic tech career opportunities!